Some time ago I posted up this, talking about how I approach
the details and posters for my terrain. After the break I’m going to continue that line
of thought and go into some of my own poster creations and how I gather images
to use. Along with my attempts to portray what life was like before war came
with food, motivational and other posters that you would expect to see in a
normal imperial city.
The easiest place to start is with games workshop’s own
artwork. And as such it was where I started myself one of the Imperial Guard in
action and a second of the Emperor. Both images have been abused so much in
de-motivational gags, forums and other uses that finding references to the
original is somewhat tricky but they are both originally GW and the rights
owned by them.
Using Photoshop or similar adding an Imperial Eagle and a
shiny slogan turns a piece of artwork into a great terrain detail. I can
strongly advise reading the Amtrak wars by Patrick Tilley while doing this as
inspiration for slogans many of which crop up in some of my posters.
After Games workshop images the next best source is
historical. Not only is there a wealth of cool military posters from 1st
and 2nd world wars but during the cold war both America and Russia
produced them by the ton. Additionally china and many more countries have used
propaganda posters both of military support, vigilance and to encourage
workforces. Two examples of my own modifications
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Original Propaganda Posters
Cold War Soviet Union - Be watchful while standing sentinel and
Once I’d used these to practice on I decided to have a play
with something a little more complex.
I utilised Photshop’s editing tools and layer tools to produce my fist composite image for a poster. I used a background image from what I believe to be a Joop add and some flames cut from a photo of my metal furnace.
(unfortunately the link for the original Joop image appears dead but the belt had the Joop logo on it before I edited it out)
Largely pleased with this I moved onto my second
offering. Beginning with quite a grim hospital picture I found some screenshots from the 2011 film Season of the witch and cut the plague doctors out. Again playing with photo shop I produce my
second heretical poster.
These two along with two others to come are meant to give a feel for the causes of heresy that could well have lead to war. A risqué club night and a seemingly benevolent hospital wouldn't really be much of an issue but with the logo of Slannesh and reference to papa and the bio-hazard symbol hints at darker forces behind these posters.
Not everything is plain sailing and my WIP of the Khorn poster still needs some work. while it looks good alone it's to dark and illegible once printed to size. made up of dozens of images that I've lost the sources for, I just hope I have the layered Photoshop files to stand a chance of fixing it up.
One of the things I really want to portray is a glimpse at what life was like before war came. DO do so I want to fill billboards with adverts and slogans that aren't about war and the military or even Heretical hints but just day to day life.
Searching the net is an excellent place to start. Once you've found a good stash of historic posters there are numerous popular culture references that can be delved into for inspiration and source material. Pixar films such as Wall-e and Up have a multitude of posters that could be adapted but to finish today I'll share three of my favourite posters that need no work at all.
Searching the net is an excellent place to start. Once you've found a good stash of historic posters there are numerous popular culture references that can be delved into for inspiration and source material. Pixar films such as Wall-e and Up have a multitude of posters that could be adapted but to finish today I'll share three of my favourite posters that need no work at all.
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Mr handy from Fallout Rocker Boy BEANs from Captain Ribman Optimize Production from Team Fortress 2 |
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