Last Years catch up

So we're into a new year again and 2016 became a very quiet year for me on the hobby front mostly dominated by the big fella on the left above. Repeat visits to Korea and a limited amount of progress in between scuppered most of my plans. So after the break I'm going to look over what I've been doing, update my to do list and set out some plans for the next 3 months,

  • While in Korea finish the Torso Sculpting work.
  • Move back to the carapace for the final touches and finish the pauldron's last layer.
  • Once home Finish the three bases of Nurglings.
  • Add the last touches to the Plague marine and move onto a second model.
  • Undercoat the finished Knight Torso
  • Make at least one post every two weeks.
With that little lot in place lets have a look at how it all went. 

While in Korea finish the Torso Sculpting work.
Move back to the carapace for the final touches and finish the pauldron's last layer.
Undercoat the finished Knight Torso

Well since the list post was put up I did manage to get some work into the big beast and even managed a few posts, the last progress I shared had the torso at this point.
As of right now though he looks like this.
I plan to go into more detail of the various sections over the coming weeks as obviously there has been a big change to the pose and I'll have some more detailed shots including some basic stage advice for sculpting flames. 
However there are a couple of areas I've not completed from my targets and I'll look to rectify those soon as I can. 
  • The Ion shield, I need something that fits alongside the massive horns.
  • The Melta Gun needs it’s mount and shield adding, the original bits don’t fit round the bone ridge of the carapace so will sculpt a bone one.
  • Revisit the carapace with my new skills as it were but that's just very thin edging of the spine to bring it in line with the wound on the back and the flayed flesh on the pauldron
With these bit done I could go on to get some undercoat on and start to paint, but will have to see,

Once home Finish the three bases of Nurglings.
I think I may have managed a slight session on these little guys but nothing to really write about. 

Add the last touches to the Plague marine and move onto a second model.
Well this one is partially done.
 The champion is complete and I managed to get a little more colour onto him which is good, as for a second one we'll have to see.

Make at least one post every two weeks.
With only 11 erratic posts for the whole of 2016 and not even some form of monthly schedule. 

There are also a couple of things off the list that I'll look at in a later post though it include those british lads in the first picture.

So like last time I'm going to aim small, I have a real but for painting right now but I would like an evening or two on the Knight. Having pinned his ankles and been able to stand him up it definitely acts as inspiration to get more done,

With that in mind my top 4 tasks are
  • Finish the Knight torso, Iron Shield, Melta Gun and Carapace tweeks.
  • Finish the Nurglings
  • Finish the Bolt action models I've started.
  • Write up 4 blog posts to schedule every other week (Knight Pauldrons, Knight Braziers, Bolt action progress, Nurglings).
Once that's all finished I will review again and set out the next batch. No Idea what sort of time scale I'll manage on this but hopefully I'll be able to do it over the next two months. However with a Distance learning Masters degree, 2 kids, a level 3 BTEC and work trips that might just be a pipe dream.
Wish me luck and until next time TTFN
