Malenthrope Done

Last time round I showed how the metallic effect has realy come to life on the larger shell of the Malanthrope, so on monday evening I motored on with this one model to have something finished or at least 99.9% done in my hobby challenge. Take a look at him after the break.

There is still a little bit of work to do on the base, with some colour variation to apply to the stones with some splodges of wash and dry brushing, Then I will add some plants and static grass for the final finish, but need to get into the loft for the plastic plants.
I'm realy happy with how the metallics have come out on this guy and can't wait to have a swarm of shimmering carapace, for me it works perfectly as a mid point between the really acid green and striking blue yet unlike the old dark green ads some real life to the models.
As of monday night the painting desk looked like this, since then I've motored through the peacock layers and started dry brushing some smaller parts scorpion green. With overtime this weekend I may only get a few minutes here and there to progress but fingers crossed I'll be able to get most of that done. The hardest part will be resisting the temptation to finish the Hive Tyrant and getting stuck with 20 troops to do all together. After finishing the malanthrope I need to do at least a handful of gaunts before the next big one or I'll hit a wall of less interesting models.

Fingers crossed for some progress next week once the deadline is past and my work out hours go below 50 a week, please feel free to leave feedback and thanks for reading.


  1. Looking great Dan. Nice male there. I love the two greens, that's gotta look awesome on the table!


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